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Personal Referees

Applications for the CSL Centenary Fellowships must be accompanied by written references from two referees. Applicants should invite two referees to provide them with a professional reference (maximum of two pages), on letterhead if possible, including:

  • Referee's name, title and contact details
  • How long has the referee known the applicant and in what capacity?
  • In the referee's opinion does the applicant possess scholastic and technical ability to pursue the research program that has been proposed?
  • In the referee's opinion what is the applicant's potential and future in Australian medical research?
  • How would the referee assess the potential, quality and feasibility of the proposed research project?

During the fellowship selection process referees may be contacted by members of the Fellowships Selection Committee should further information be required.
Referees' reports are treated as strictly confidential and will be available only to members of the Fellowships Selection Committee and the secretariat.
The referee's report must be saved as PDF format and provided as part of the candidate's application documentation.